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Player ID: 135000
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Regeneration : 68
Energetic immunity : 72
Trade sense : 42
Briskness : 53
Initiative : 41
Defence : 154
Attack : 249
Power : 122
Luck : 41
Volition : 5
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 891
Darkness Principle = 332
Principle of Imagination = 1284
Transposition Principle = 1737
Principle of Enthropy = 320
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 733 | Lost: 1116
Honor: 4875
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Lost Soul
Chaotic Evil
I would like nothing better than to cut your heart out with my axe and eat it for a tasty snack, or perhaps cut off your head and wear it as hat for a while. A HAT A HAT...YOUR HEAD GOES SPLAT.

Character Description

Standing an even 3 foot tall this happy go lucky fella seems as wide as tall.  Most of the time fairly well tempered with the few outbursts when interrupted  during contemplation.  Within a minute of meeting this short, almost dwarf like, fellow you see right away his mind is not where his body is.  The longer around this individual the more likely to see a wide array of emotions and actions in a shorty period of time.  With his mind lost somewhere in search for his soul, the body is left to sway to and fro in the wind.  Being in his presence for long you are as likely to get hugged as you are to get attacked.  While his stature does not seem very intimidating the size of his fists and arm muscle are.  Being mindless gives much time to things like doing back flips off tree stumps and a lot of naps under trees.  Mind your manners and always keep a spare eye on this little fellow, for you never really can trust a mindless man......can you??


MP3: Defeated Willowguard 1&2, Loreroot guard 1, Berzerkers puzzle, Max XP

MP4: Defeated Willowguard 1&2, Loreroot guard 1&2*brute force*, Berzerkers puzzle

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer Cactus Jack Day Dreamer Majestic Winderwild Knator War Master Walking Tree Water Daimon II Hollow Warrior

No Place To Hide

I hate the Dojo- a place for idle hands and cry-babies.

"Being one dealing with a large belly Windy said she would help. Today Windy gave me a berry called an Acacia Berry. She said to make tea from it for a month to lose my weight.  Before realizing what she said I swallowed the whole thing down.  After a strong rumble in my tummy she told me if swallowed was a super laxitive.  Soon after a very awful ordeal that needs not to be detailed about, I lost my large belly and now have rock hard abs.  Also a large axe came from my belly.  How it got there I do not know, but after a very detailed cleaning, I now carry it around everywhere I go.  With the exeption of the whole ordeal being very awful, several good things came from it.  Thanks Windy!!!"

Page 110 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
Akasha is convinced that the wizard was wrong. The Book of Principles does exist, and she intends to prove it, even if it means to write it herself....Blinded by her strange obsession for the principles she does not pay attention to all details in the letter. As she closes to the Bridge of Ages , she sees an mage looking old man approuching her. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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