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Player ID: 208902
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 5924
Luck : 1014
Energetic immunity : 7134
Trade sense : 5426
Briskness : 5768
Initiative : 4922
Defence : 91213
Attack : 150192
Power : 9225
Finesse : 51
Experimentalism : 25
Herbalism : 25
Woodcutting : 17
Waterhandling : 23
Dowsing : 20
Filtering : 17
Volition : 108
Cartography : 12
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 28171 | Lost: 28512
Honor: 4994
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
MDA Festival Tag: Mash; Looking for Ed Potatoes


Day 1

I do not recall it. I may only try to reconstruct it from other's memories - and my own research. I believe I was born near Gazebo of Chaos - where some sorcerer, too dumb to be remembered, experimented with Principle od Entrophy - trying to bind it by Elements and Light to have a faithful and powerful servant. He should have known better than that - you cannot enslave entrophy. You may only tore a chunk of it - giving it power and consiousness. And there I was - creature of chaos, kept together by elements and tainted by light. I believe consumption of the sorcerer was my first action, the sign of my birth. I can still feel his soul screaming for release - it becomes weaker and weaker, though, as my inner chaos decomposes it and my identity grows stronger and better defined.

The Light taint was a curse and blessing then - it was a part of me too deeply rooted to be rejected, and strong enough to compell me to go to the surface; see the realm of Synhropy protected by my Elements and Light shield.

You may have seen me then. With my identity weak and chaotic core dubdued by synthropy around I must have been some blurry entity, merely of shadow of those around me. I do not think you may remember meeting me then - I was only empty and indistinct face to be registered, nod to be given or returned.

I was becoming stronger, though. Not by nourishment of food, but hardened by continuous raging of Principles inside.

Who am I? Or maybe - what am I? Are there other like me? I did not know - but asking questions is the first step of learning. I took that step.

Day 21

I have just finished whiting my reminiscence. I know some answers now - or at least I believe I do. What I am is unnamed, as to the best of my knowledge I am unique; I can only assume that other sorcerers learnt about their fellow practitioner's fate. Maybe one, adept of Darkness, encoutered a piece of his soul splintered by my birth.
I am Beast of Primordial Chaos. I feel certain affinity to other Chaos creatures - but I am weaker than most in terms of footprint on events. Their chaos are mostly bound by Syntrophy - they are simply better adjusted to the hot world here. But they have limitations I do not - you cannot grow in power indefinitely; there is a critical mass for a power built on opposites. I do not have this problem - only my power comes so slowly.

Meanwhile, I use my inborn mimicry skills - and Light taint. I am nice to powerful, friendly to weak, fight not too fierce battles and sparrings. I feel better in Loreroot (I write this diary entry drinking excellent mead in the Root of the Matter Inn) than in Golemus.

I learn, grow - and observe..


Day 146

Awakening.... Many things happened meanwhile.  


Some of my creatures
Azorek Thunderroar Pilot Pirx Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Balerion Transparent Bird Elmer Gantry Showdown Uszatek Brzydkie Kaczatko Smelly Pimp


MagicDuel has many layers to explore and enjoy. You may find some interesting and some not. This page you reached by clicking on crossed swords on yellow background above player xrieg's name are military papers of this particular player, including information and advice related to fighting in MagicDuel. If you have questions about fighting you can ask me by sending Private Message. Have in mind though that I am just another player - and may not know answers to all questions. I may also be not available to answer at given time - do not get discouraged. And finally - I may know the answer but could not give it to you.
The reason may be game no-spoiler policy: players should find out about the game by themselves; other player may only help them showing the way - not giving solutions taking away the fun of discovery.


  1. Ritual is a formation of up to six creatures you own you define to be used in attack of defense.
    1. Once ritual is set, there is no way to modify it - or even check what creatures it uses. Therefore, some naming convention is recommended - you will probably not remember whar 'xxx' stood for after a week.
    2. When ritual is set, you are asked about 'pray power' - how much of your personal vital energy and stats should be employed by ritual. This setting is used if given ritual is used in defense. Every time you attack with any ritual, you decide about pray power for given fight.
    3. There is no first line and second line in rituals - creatures attack and are attacked based on stats (base + resulting from pray power + resulting from tokens) and ritual set up. 
    4. Read about statistics, attacks, and targetting to understand creatures' strengths and weaknesses better. 
  2. In order to set up ritual you must be able to attack some target
    1. there must be an opponent in your location at the time you want to set up ritual: NPC, other player with the same Mind Power level, other allied player if you are allied,
    2. location must allow for attacks - not possible in sanctuaries,
    3. not Day of Tranquility,
    4. you must have enough AP to initiate attack,
  3. Once ritual is killed, meaning all creatures in ritual are killed in a battle, it is greyed out on the ritual list and cannot be used attacking or defending, even after all creatures from that ritual are healed.
  4. Rituals that win a lot of fights (high number of wins - 'combo' - on ritual list) get certain advantage when attacking. This advantage does not apply when defending. Therefore you should protect your experienced rituals.
  5. Only player's rituals with total vital energy above 301 may be used in attack and defense; the rule does not apply to random rituals.
  6. If somebody attempts to attack you, ritual is selected in order:
    1. first latest defense ritual is selected; latest defense is the one with lowest position on ritual list with defense option selected when setting up ritual,
    2. if no defense rituals are found, last ritual not designed as defense is selected,
    3. if there is no rituals defined or selected ritual has below 301 vital energy, but you have some creatures alive (non-zero vital energy) random ritual is used
    4. if you have no creatures alive you cannot be attacked conventionally, you still can be with some spells employed.


  1.  You are not required to fight. You may sac/ sell/ kill all your crits and will not hear the attack sound again (often). That's the way of non-combatant. If you fail to do so - do not be surprised by incoming attacks.
  2. Do not forget, that MagicDuel is a game where MindPower level, the most important measure of your character advancement, comes from fighting. Even if you decide to be non-combatant, some people may still choose to to attack you - and it is perfectly legal. Otherwise you are considered fighting character and may safely read chapter C. 


  1. Each Mind Power level has its own objectives. MP3 is a beginner's level, to learn game basics; MP4 is intermediate stage to study them a bit more in practice. MP5 is a fighting stage. 
  2. Do not try to go for higher MP objectives, thinking you would be better prepared to face fighters of given MP level after you ascend. It is futile - game mechanics supports these objectives and your potential fighting partners get stronger much faster than you would be able to.
  3. MP3 in terms of pure fighting is just to set some basic rituals, age your crits a bit - and go MP4. Non-damaging fighting is only good to help you pass time you need to complete Mya Celestia's or Princ Rhaegar's beginner quest (highly recommended!) without getting capped. And unless you are an alt of some experienced MP5, most likely killing time will be the main outcome.
  4. MP4 is a level to max a few crits and try to aquire some -and learn about new win/losses scheme. My personal recommendation - try to get and learn to use unholy priests.
  5. Do not try to grind stats hoping you will not be cannon fodder when you become MP5. There are known cases of MP5 grinding getting 150 attack for full day of grinding without any saccing crits. 
  6. Remember: Sparring Ground rules are only community guidelines, not game rules enforced. You may inform other people about the rules if they do not know them. If you abuse people who do not follow them do not expect them to stop attacking you there.
  7. If you are MP4 you can stay in MP4 indefinitely getting and saccing heat infused crits. You should ask yourself a question: what would make it worth to spend coins you could spend on buying stronger crits or regular begging some MP5 friend?
  8. Remember, than despite what battle screen claims, you cannot lower down your personal heat in battle until you are MP5. On the other hand, your crits can.
  9. Do not be afraid to ascend to the next Mind Power level if feel you more or less understand your current MP mechanics. You may be a sitting duck for a while but if you learn from the incoming attacks and defs you encounter you will not be well before skilldamage.


  1. You should realize the game is about balance - the worst harm you may cause to other fighter is breaking his combo (exception: Eon's skilldamage)... And primo: most fighters have multiple combos rits trained and secundo even that is a short term disadvantage. All other indirect harm methods (including spells) are short term teasers, often more costly to you than to the other party.
  2. Learn how to change your balance both ways - sword and sheath. Especially make sure you will be able to get victories easily before you let your balance slip to -900 just because everybody else is there. Most people with low balance find it convenient but know how to prevent its further deterioration.
  3. Learn how to design defs that would be unlikely to give you profile losses. Especially make sure you do it if you are not active fighter. There is no real reason to hide at sanctuary if you do it. And this knowledge will be much more helpful and effective than complaining about being continuously attacked.
  4. Active fighting characters can and will employ every fight outcome - win, loss, high heat, heat loss. Do not try hard to change the outcome from profile loss to profile victory - employing knowledge from the point above will be enough in most situations - and much easier to achieve than trying to make high stats grinders to stop attacking you due to losses you would give them.
  5. Do not hesitate to ask questions and ask for help. It will often happen that your need my concide with somebody else's ones - and you may both train for mutual advantage.
  6. Take responsibility for your def. Do not be surprised, when somebody employs it contrary to your intentions. What you consider killer def may may found perfect heat sucker by somebody else and you may find yourself suddenly capped.
  7. Make sure you know how to effectively lower down your heat before you use lifesucking crits.
  8. Read battle logs. You may often find solutions to your problems in your sparring partner's ritual setup. 
  9. Strong crits is not the only asset of a good fighter. You need vital energy, stats, and knowledge - at least some of each is preferred.
  10. If you encounter a def you cannot break it may mean your opponent is just too strong for you. But it may (and often - it does) mean that you did not consider its qualities carefully and just gave up as it didn't fall prey to your favourite ritual.
  11. High maximum vital energy may be an asset - but may also be a burden if you do not have stats to support it. 
  12. Learn how to use Tormented Souls/ Soulweavers and Unholy Priests. Even if you consider your vital energy or stats high.
  13. Respect your training partners. If they are younger players make sure they know what thay are doing - and if you have prearranged training: that it is rewarding for both of you.

Page 330 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
The shadows swirl before No One. Their twisted shapes taking form, they manifest into something he recognizes: a small puppy. He begins to calm, reaching out to play with the puppy. The dog looks at No One strangely, but then wags its tail and barks happily. This is the first times No One finds solace in anything since entering this place. He is content to let it happen and hopes it lasts. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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