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Page 575 - The Hunt for Red Presents
As the Elf looked over the presents, they noticed others in the location. This was not to plan at all, these people shouldn’t be here. Wanting to take the presents quickly they reached out and… completely failed to pick them up. Now growing more self-conscious the Elf then noticed the much larger players were talking to it, suggesting he was not a good elf! They taunted him, increasing the worry that Confused Santa, who the elf assured everyone was not confused, would be angry.

Even though the day was going poorly, a devilishly wicked player called Ledah was able to show the elf that his day could indeed get worse. This was achieved by the simple method of brutally murdering the elf.

Discussions immediately turned to an argument about the reasoning for killing the elf, but Ledah as ever was cryptic. While the arguments did nothing to help the elf, it made everyone feel better. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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