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John Ringo




Player ID: 74308
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Regeneration : 21
Energetic immunity : 27
Trade sense : 16
Briskness : 23
Initiative : 5
Defence : 36
Attack : 85
Power : 16
Luck : 7
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Element Principle = 44
Principle of Balance = 291
Time Principle = 87
Principle of Imagination = 234
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Battle stats
Won: 237 | Lost: 230
Honor: 78
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A cursed Form? (Note: being updated)

There are dark places in history where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge. Places embroiled by war, famine, plague, death...

     Once opon a time, there stood a figure, a suit of armor if you will, guilded with bands of silver, tarnished from long exposure to the elements, of flames embroiling it, and of cold weathering it.  The armor stamped with runes and embossed with shapes. The runes of course, enchant the armor with traits lost to time, and like many things that hurdle trough time, smooth over, or are damaged. Now, the woven signs that once coursed through it now flows broken, many enchantemts lost to it's age. 

      Two glowing orbs of bright cyan fire peers forth from a blood-specked shroud that envelopes the hole where the face would be revealed in it's helm. Much can be said for what those twin infernos have seen it's it's long existance, as they dim slightly in rememberance.

It bows.

     From the being itself, seems to flow a cold, freezing aura that rends flesh from bone, and  body from soul. One could almost discern the field of freezing temperature as an allegory to the jaded personality that could hide within the being. Quickly it draws it's sword, lowers it in a salute, and speaks in the voice of those beyond the plane of the living,

"Greetings, And salutations. I am Lormir Salizar Vihn. Knight-Captain of times gone by, Death Lord of a bygone ffliction."

     He, if you could call such an abomination that, sheaths it's sword, and stares intently at nothing, dwelling on much that fills his mind.


Log #1

Much can be said, since I've walked the lands. Much can be said, as I have watched history pass by. Old as I am, there will always be one older still. Whether if it be in age itself, in knowledge, suffering, living, what have you.

The same goes for you, dear one.

As I attempt to discern the Transmundane, I learn things that many others have learned before me. And I endeavor to pass them on to others, through teaching, not giving. For the greatest mistake anyone can do, is to pass knowledge onto those whom are not ready for such. Thus, I say to you, be wary of what you teach to other.


 To inform any who wishes to engage me in (RP) combat, I shall endeavor to inform you of my weaponry to give you a fair edge in battle.

Runic Greatsword: Skofnung ( Silver-Steel alloyed blade covered in runes of enchantment, such as 'Unbreaking', 'Frozen Touch', 'Drain Endurance', 'Keen Edge'.) Historicly, the blade has been scared in multiple battles, kissed by many wars, and has been impregnated with the Taint from being plunged into the chest of Ailith, whom was a great being corrupted from the Taint of Granos.

Modified hand-held crossbows: Time & Illusion (Treated Ironwood, and Dragon bones make up the materials of the twin weapons. Modified for increased range with specially tensioned draw strings, shocks for increasing precision from any range, and short charging handle for quickly pulling the drawstrings back for increased reloading speed.

Archaic Dagger: Nightwind (Ancient stilleto-style dagger made from the charcoal remains of an ironwood tree that burned down many a millenia ago. Almost unbreakable, only used for ritual usage.



Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Elite Knator Water Daimon I Animated Tree III Master Lorerootian Archer

Poems... quotes... philosophy
Balance is walking the blade,
Looking to the light too long,
to be blinded by it's warmth.
To live in darkness evermore,
and loose the light in your eyes.
Balance is a strenuous thing.

the point of this one is to keep an open heart, and open eyes. don't be blinded to one side, but, to step back and gaze back to the bigger picture, to concentrate on seeing beneath the surface.
Even though darkness falls,
Light's last beam truly glows,
swallowed up in shadow.
Even in the darkest of times,
we must hold on to hope,

Hope of that as all we know falls,
the Sun shall rise once Forevermore,
Bringing a new day at last,
Wiping the shadows out at last.
this is just something I made years ago.

Light's Splender
"Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands than with a clenched fist."
~ Kreia

What are we?

I ask you, what are we?

Are we human being?

Or that of something

greater than anything we can imagine?

Are we anything more than our thoughts?

Page 459 - The Traveler
Voices in his head tell him to go deeper in through the portal. Sadness fills his soul as if something in him could predict what would happen. Renavoid goes deeper on the path through the breach in the wall. Darkness surrounds him. There was no Necrovion on the other side! ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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